Pet Care Services

Pet Care Services
Our pet groomers can trim, clip and wash all those pets who need some care and attention. Some pets may not like the idea of being groomed and respond by becoming aggressive towards the groomers; for the safety of our staff and comfort of your pet we will give a sedative which lasts for the duration of the clip.
All prices for grooming may vary depending on coat condition, very tangled coats, dirty coats or heavy flea infestations will take longer to clip and may increase the price of a clipping.
- Doggie Wash & Towel Dry
- Doggie Wash & Blow Dry
- Full Dog Groom (short clip over the body not styled or long)
- Cat sedation clipping

Grooming Appointments
PH: (07) 54441566
With the full dog clip we usually clip the coat short, bath and blow dry, then give a final fine clip for a neat apperance. A good hair cut can take a lot of time, so we keep most pets in for the day.
We usually have clients drop their little ones at the surgery between 8am and 9 am in the morning with check out after 3pm. If we do finish your pet's groom earlier then we will phone you.
Cats are always groomed under sedation and some dogs may be sedated, if too aggressive, for health and safety reasons. Our prices start from $65 for a small dog (depends on coat condition, dog size and any special requests) cat clips start from $140 (maybe more if in very bad coat condition).
All pet grooming is by appointment only
Monday to Friday – Drop off time is by appointment between 8am-9am.
How often should I have my dog groomed?
Most long coat pets can be groomed monthly or every two months to keep their coats neat and clean. There are a number of reasons why we groom our pets. Some clients are content to have their fluffy pets clipped short every few months to stop them from becoming matted and keep them clean. This is an economical option for pets which do not get knotty coats. While other clients prefer more frequent trims to control more difficult coats. Unlike people pet dogs don’t produce sweat to cool their bodies; but like us they do produce an oil which helps waterproof the skin, in some dogs the oil can give them an unpleasant "Doggy" smell or develop flakes of dandruff like material. Regular washes and towel dries or washes and blow dries will keep their coat healthy over summer.

Doggie Wash & Towel Dry
This includes a Shampoo, Conditioner & Towel Dry.
Prices start from $18.
Doggie Wash & Blow Dry
This includes a Shampoo, Conditioner, Blow Dry and a short brush out.
Prices start from:
- Small to Medium Dog - $36
- Medium to Large Dog - $45
- Extra Large Dog - $60

Full Dog Groom
Short clip over the body not styled or long
This includes Shampoo & Conditioner Wash, Blow dry and a clip - including the face, feet, tail and a short clip of the body. This is not a style cut and the hair is cut short, up to 1 cm long. It is a low maintenance quick treatment to keep long coated dogs manageable, clean and comfortable.
Prices start from:
- Small Dog - $65
- Large Dog - $95

Cat clipping (prices from $140)
Hygiene Clip
If puss only needs a bit of a tidy on the tummy and bottom of the chest, this is the best option.
Full Clip (Lion Clip or Round Faced )
Full body cut with trimming of the face and leaving boots and a long tail.
Prices start from $140
Grooming Tips
Start brushing your new pet's coat and handle its feet regularly when young, regular handling will get your pet used to being groomed.
Regularly exercising yor dog on hard surfaces or weekly trimming their nail tips will help prevent nail overgrowth in small dogs. If you use clippers make sure you don’t cut the nail quick causing bleeding, if this happens too many times, it may be impossible to cut some dogs nails in future as they will become too distressed. Many dogs nails grow very long in old age, unfortunatly the nail quick also gets longer making it impossible to trim the nails shorter.
Your long haired cat will shed it’s coat twice a year, gentle brushing daily will remove loose hair from the coat. Loose hair may be swallowed by the cat while grooming itself and cause hairballs or mat up into one huge knot in the coat. If a cat’s coat is too damaged, there will be no choice but to cut the coat very short; small nicks or cuts of the cat’s skin can be expected as skin folds are often pulled up into the knot of hair where they are caught by the electric clippers.
Using a good shampoo and conditioner, followed by a brush out will keep your pet’s coat in good condition.